Quotes from Shane Claiborne
Mother Theresa always said, "Calcuttas are everywhere if only we have eyes to see. Find your Calcutta."
- Shane Claiborne
One thing that's clear in the Scriptures is that the nations do not lead people to peace; rather, people lead the nations to peace.
- Shane Claiborne
I engage with local politics because it affects people I love. And I engage in national politics because it affects people I love.
- Shane Claiborne
The Christian icon is not the Stars and Stripes but a cross-flag, and its emblem is not a donkey, an elephant, or an eagle, but a slaughtered lamb.
- Shane Claiborne
God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.
- Shane Claiborne
When we ask God to move a mountain, God may give us a shovel.
- Shane Claiborne
In the Bible, God uses brothel owners, pagan kings, murderers and mercenaries as instruments of good; at one point God even speaks to a guy named Balaam through his donkey.
- Shane Claiborne
To all my nonbelieving, sort-of-believing, and used-to-be-believing friends: I feel like I should begin with a confession. I am sorry that so often the biggest obstacle to God has been Christians.
- Shane Claiborne
When the church takes affairs of the state more seriously than they do Jesus, Pax Romana becomes its gospel and the president becomes the Son of God.
- Shane Claiborne
We need good laws, but no law can change a human heart - only God can do that.
- Shane Claiborne
Faith is believing in the impossible because we have a God who is master of impossible.
- Shane Claiborne
Too often we just do what makes sense to us and ask God to bless it.
- Shane Claiborne