Quotes from Lysa TerKeurst
Without challenges and changes people tend to grow increasingly distant from God and resistant to His ways.
- Lysa TerKeurst
The Best Yes is what we're after. Best Yes answers are much more likely to happen when we are in the habit of seeking wisdom. We have to put our hearts and our minds in places where wisdom gathers, not scatters.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Dear Lord, make me a courageous woman who isn't afraid to pray this prayer over and over in the days ahead. In Jesus' name. Amen.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Rather than dwelling on wounds that leave us feeling emotionally empty, we can learn to look for whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy in life (Philippians 4: 8). When I park my mind and heart on thoughts that refresh me instead of ones that depress me, I am filled. Like the psalmist reminds us, "Taste and see that the LORD is good" (Psalm 34: 8).
- Lysa TerKeurst
Lies flee in the presence of truth.
- Lysa TerKeurst
If I want His promises, I have to trust His process. I have to trust that first comes the dust, and then comes the making of something even better with us. God isn't ever going to forsake you, but He will go to great lengths to remake you.
- Lysa TerKeurst
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" (NLV).
- Lysa TerKeurst
Heartbreaking seasons can certainly grow me but were never meant to define me.
- Lysa TerKeurst
We must carry with us the sweet aroma of knowing Jesus everywhere we go.
- Lysa TerKeurst
I can't control the things that happen to me each day, but I can control how I think about them.
- Lysa TerKeurst
But then we also must walk through the much longer process of forgiving and healing from the impact another person's actions have had on us. Forgiveness is a command by God, but reconciliation should be very conditional on many factors—most of all whether all parties involved can stay safe ad healthy if they stay together.
- Lysa TerKeurst
We need to ask for God's wisdom, revelation, and intervening power to be an integral part of our food choices from now on.
- Lysa TerKeurst