Quotes from Julian of Norwich
Prayer is a new, gracious, lasting will of the soul united and fast-bound to the will of God by the precious and mysterious working of the Holy Ghost.
- Julian of Norwich
the goodness of God is the highest object of prayer and it reaches down to our lowest need.
- Julian of Norwich
It is easier for us to get to know God than to know our own soul...God is nearer to us than our soul, for He is the ground in which it stands...so if we want to know our own soul, and enjoy its fellowship, it is necessary to seek it in our Lord God.
- Julian of Norwich
Lord, let not our souls be busy inns that have no room for thee or thine, But quiet homes of prayer and praise, where thou mayest find fit company, Where the needful cares of life are wisely ordered and put away, And wide, sweet spaces kept for thee; where holy thoughts pass up and down And fervent longings watch and wait thy coming.
- Julian of Norwich
Some of us believe that God is almighty, and can do everything; and that he is all wise, and may do everything; but that he is all love, and will do everything— there we draw back.
- Julian of Norwich
And He that made man for love, by the same love He would restore man to the same bliss, and overpassing; and like as we were like-made to the Trinity in our first making, our Maker would that we should be like Jesus Christ, Our Saviour, in heaven without end, by the virtue of our again-making.
- Julian of Norwich
For as the body is clad in the cloth, and the flesh in the skin, and the bones in the flesh, and the heart in the whole, [34] so are we, soul and body, clad in the Goodness of God, and enclosed.
- Julian of Norwich
Anything less then God, ever me wanteth.
- Julian of Norwich
He willeth we know that not only He taketh heed to noble things and to great, but also to little and to small, to low and to simple, to one and to other. And so meaneth He in that He saith: ALL MANNER OF THINGS shall be well. For He willeth we know that the least thing shall not be forgotten.
- Julian of Norwich
For a kind soul hath no hell but sin.
- Julian of Norwich
For in every soul that shall be saved is a Godly Will that never assented to sin, nor ever shall.
- Julian of Norwich
God is everything that is good, she writes. All life's pleasures and comforts are sacramental; they are God's hands touching us.
- Julian of Norwich