Quotes from Julian of Norwich
That love of God is hard and marvelous. It cannot and will not be broken because of our sins.
- Julian of Norwich
Everything has being through the love of God.
- Julian of Norwich
Love was without beginning, is, and shall be without ending.
- Julian of Norwich
He that made all things for love, by the same love keepeth them, and shall keep them without end.
- Julian of Norwich
The ground of mercy is love, and the working of mercy is our keeping in love.
- Julian of Norwich
Peace and love are ever in us, being and working; but we be not alway in peace and in love.
- Julian of Norwich
Because of the Shewing I am not good but if I love God the better: and in as much as ye love God the better, it is more to you than to me.
- Julian of Norwich
This is our Lord's will... that our prayer and our trust be, alike, large.
- Julian of Norwich
It needeth us to have knowing of the littleness of creatures and to hold as nought all-thing that is made, for to love and have God that is unmade.
- Julian of Norwich
God willeth that we endlessly hate the sin and endlessly love the soul, as God loveth it.
- Julian of Norwich
We give our intent to love and meekness, by the working of mercy and grace we are made all fair and clean.
- Julian of Norwich
We are kept all as securely in Love in woe as in weal, by the Goodness of God.
- Julian of Norwich