Quotes from Janette Oke
If anyone deserves the truth, Nanna, a child does. They can accept things, even hurtful things, if they are dealt with honestly, in love.
- Janette Oke
God says we are of worth. Satan tries to convince us wer are mere trash. If he can accomplish that, then we give up. We do no even try to fullfill our God-given ministry to others.
- Janette Oke
Linux remained where he was, more comfortable with his solitary position at the table than he'd ever been before. He felt a childlike ease, so protected, so accepted he could expose his most hidden weaknesses and fears and uncertainties and know all was well, all forgiven, all blessed. The stone he had carried inside was finally dissolving. Inner wounds were now open to healing light, and the gift of hope was like an illumination around him.
- Janette Oke
Do I tell you how to braid your hair? Don't tell me how to plow a field.
- Janette Oke
Holes in socks are sorta like sin, Josh. If you don't tend to them right away when they're small and controllable, they grow with amazing speed.
- Janette Oke
We light the candle and ask the Lord Jehovah to illuminate the week ahead. We sprinkle spices into the flame and remind ourselves that the Sabbath should remain a sweet scent in our lives, flavoring the days to come.
- Janette Oke
Ya see, Marty, sometimes love comes sorta stealin' up on ya gradual like, not shoutin' bold words or wavin' bright flags. Ya ain't even aware it's a growin' an' growin' an' gettin' stronger
- Janette Oke
We never know," said her father, "when we pray for God's protection on our children to what great lengths He will need to go to fulfil our prayers.
- Janette Oke
We must not fail to give our full attention to the spreading of the Good News and to prayer. But we must also care for those who are in need. That, too, is God's commandment to us. We must be careful not to neglect that task. "I have spent the afternoon in prayer, as have other apostles, and now we are ready to act. We would like you to select seven men—men who are full of the Spirit and wisdom—and we will turn this responsibility over to them.
- Janette Oke
Painful experiences can be used to better prepare us for heaven. You see, if we let it, even pain can shape us—make us better people—get rid of some of the ugly parts of our humanity.
- Janette Oke
It was Sunday again, though I had a hard time really convincing myself of that fact. It seemed so strange not to be preparing for church. I missed the worship. I missed the contact with friends. I missed being with my own family. But, most of all, I missed the feeling of refreshing that came from spending time with other believers in praise and prayer.
- Janette Oke
Best as I can say, ya follow the two rules. Ya love the Lord yer God with all yer heart an' all yer soul, and ya love the rest like ya would yerself.
- Janette Oke