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Quotes from Janette Oke

So he has touched you, and yet there is much you do not yet understand. How are you to fathom all that is happening? What shall be the direction from inside for what you think? How you shall live? Where you will go? The answer, my new brother, is found within the sacred texts. Together we will begin to study them, you and I. You will learn to speak with God directly. And you will discover how to listen to him speak with you.
- Janette Oke
Only God knows the plan he has for you. We must continue to pray for his will to be done. He has promised to answer, and he keeps his promises. So answer he will—in his own time and way. Whatever your future holds, this I know. He will not desert you. Your duty, my dear, is to seek his will and to walk in his way.
- Janette Oke
He answers my prayers." "Ya mean by givin' ya whatever ya ask fer?" Clark thought a minute, then shook his head. "No, not thet. Oft times He jest helps me to git by without what I asked fer.
- Janette Oke
We can't do it on our own—none of us. We ask for His help—daily. Why, I remember my pa praying every morning that God would give him wisdom and power and patience for the day.
- Janette Oke
You women are strange creatures, indeed, he said. No wonder we men never succeed in understandin' ya. But thanks be to God fer makin' ya the way ya are.
- Janette Oke
Thank you, Lord, I prayed, for turning something bad into something good.
- Janette Oke
It may sound simplistic, but is meant wholeheartedly. We are so privileged to have the Scriptures.
- Janette Oke
Written, preserved, and passed on to us. What an indescribable blessing it is for us
- Janette Oke
You of all have the most to forgive." "Ah, and if so," he responded, "I have the most blessing to receive after I've done so."
- Janette Oke
Remember, never despise a task—any task. In doing any job, you are either creating something or bettering something.
- Janette Oke
If their purpose and actions are those of mortal men, they will fail. But if it is from God, how can you possibly stop them? You will only find yourselves fighting against our Lord Jehovah!" To Ezra's astonishment, the entire Council around the head table looked subdued.
- Janette Oke
You didn't have to be a ma and a pa and four kids to be a family. All you needed was people livin' together and lovin' and helpin' one another. That's what made a family—blood-ties and love-bonds.
- Janette Oke