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Quotes from Dallas Willard

However, it is not the immediacy of such experiences that tells us that it is the Spirit of God in Christ by whom we are being formed. Rather, the proof, if not the comfort, lies in the person we become and the deeds that flow from us. The tree is known by its fruit.
- Dallas Willard
And worry are worthless—indeed, vain—emotions. If you are frightened or afraid, there is no use feeling guilty about it. What you need to do is fix your mind upon God and ask him to fill your mind with himself. And as your mind is transformed, your whole personality will be transformed, including your body and your feelings. The transformation of the self away from a life of fear and insufficiency takes place as we fix our minds upon God as he truly is.
- Dallas Willard
No known religions are the same; they teach and practice radically different things. You only have to look at them to see that. To say they are all the "same" is to disrespect them. It is a way of claiming that none really matter, that their distinctives are of no human significance.
- Dallas Willard
They presume on their justification in being whatever they are—unlike a thought, which by nature is open to challenge and invites the question "Why?
- Dallas Willard
The second thing is closely related to it: spokespersons for Christ are those who have knowledge that no one else has. That's why they are the most important people in society. That is because they bring knowledge of what time and eternity are about. They bring knowledge on which people can base their lives. They bring knowledge that can be communicated to others on the basis of experience and reason and Scripture and grace and work and everything else you want to put in the bag.
- Dallas Willard
But responsibility and initiative are the heart of our relationship with God. We are not robots, and he does not work with robots.
- Dallas Willard
If a law had been given capable of bringing people to life," Paul said, "then righteousness would have come from that law" (Gal. 3:21). But law, for all its magnificence, cannot do that. Graceful relationship sustained with the masterful Christ certainly can.
- Dallas Willard
There may be times when you have to renew your commitment to release what you want, how you look, and especially what you are doing for the Lord. Much of our effort to do things for the Lord is really the resurgence of our desire to dominate and make things happen in our own strength.
- Dallas Willard
Those who let God be God get off the conveyer belt of emotion and desire when it first starts to move toward the buzz saw of sin.
- Dallas Willard
One good way to check our motives when doing something for the Lord is to see how sweet and patient we can remain when it does not go the way we want it to.
- Dallas Willard
Do you think the businessman who found the pearl was sweating over its cost? An obviously ridiculous question! What about the one who found the treasure in the field—perhaps crude oil or gold? No. Of course not. The only thing these people were sweating about was whether they would "get the deal." Now that is the soul of the disciple.
- Dallas Willard
Belief cannot reliably govern life and action except in its proper connection with knowledge and with the truth and evidence knowledge involves.
- Dallas Willard