Quotes from Dallas Willard
Anger and condemnation like vengeance, are safely left to God. We must beware of believing that it is okay for us to condemn as long as we are condemning the right things. It is not so simple as all that. I can trust Jesus to go into the temple and drive out those who were profiting from religion, beating them with a rope. I cannot trust myself to do so.
- Dallas Willard
Set aside days to spend alone with God to seek his face and to imagine that face shining with joy as it looks at you. As the ancient Jewish benediction puts it: The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you [look right at you] And give you peace. (NUM. 6:24—26)
- Dallas Willard
The spirit and the manner of the Chief Shepherd should be the one adopted by the undershepherds.
- Dallas Willard
Knowledge is the basis of belief, and, when it is, it gives the belief a very different bearing upon life.
- Dallas Willard
It is the experience of having God look you right in the eye and saying, "I love you! I approve of you!" that is the unshakable ground of our self-worth.
- Dallas Willard
Keep a right heart we must remember that the face of God shining upon us in gracious approval is the basis of our value.
- Dallas Willard
What transforms us is the will to obey Jesus Christ from a life that is one with his resurrected reality day by day, learning obedience through inward transformation.
- Dallas Willard
Quite candidly, if it is possible for our faith and works to be hidden, perhaps that only shows they are of a kind that should be hidden. We might, in that case, think about directing our efforts toward the cultivation of a faith that is impossible to hide.
- Dallas Willard
He ruined soul must be willing to recognize its own ruin before it can discover how to enter a different path.
- Dallas Willard
When it comes to experiencing the sufficiency of God, we are not talking about what God can do; we are talking about what we need to do. And what we need to do is to turn our minds to God.
- Dallas Willard
Abstinence, then, makes way for engagement. If the places in our blood cells designed to carry oxygen are occupied by carbon monoxide, we die for lack of oxygen. If the places in our souls that are to be indwelt by God and his service are occupied by food, sex, and society, we die or languish for lack of God and right relation to his creatures. A proper abstinence actually breaks the hold of improper engagements so that the soul can be properly engaged in and by God.
- Dallas Willard
Your tongue follows correctness; your heart follows truth.
- Dallas Willard