Quotes from Dallas Willard
Evolution itself is an "order" that requires explanation if any order does, and it presupposes, as we have just seen, a vast scale of order and existence within which alone it can occur. Whether evolution occurs with regard to plant and animal species (which was Darwin's concern), that has no serious implications at all, taken by itself, for the existence of God.
- Dallas Willard
Notice there are three things about the tree that caught Eve's attention. It was (1) good for food, (2) pleasant to the eyes, and (3) desirable to make one wise.
- Dallas Willard
When you think "whirlwind," think "God is coming.
- Dallas Willard
Wanting to look good to others is also a form of the desire of the eyes.
- Dallas Willard
Keep in mind that God did not say that Job was wrong in what he said, but that he did not understand what he was saying.
- Dallas Willard
From Jesus' perspective, there is no greater calling than to be a servant.
- Dallas Willard
In accord with his original intent, the heavenly Father has in fact prepared an individualized kingdom for every person, from the outset of creation. That
- Dallas Willard
Emergencies are opportunities to bring God into the realities of your life.
- Dallas Willard
We get a totally different picture of salvation, faith, and forgiveness if we regard having life from the kingdom of the heavens now—the eternal kind of life—as the target. The words and acts of Jesus naturally suggest that this is indeed salvation, with discipleship, forgiveness, and heaven to come as natural parts.
- Dallas Willard
So the kingdom of the heavens, from the practical point of view in which we all must live, is simply our experience of Jesus' continual interaction with us in history and throughout the days, hours, and moments of our earthly existence.
- Dallas Willard
We cannot behave on the spot as he did and taught if in the rest of our time we live as everybody else does. The on the spot episodes are not the place where we can, even by the grace of God, redirect unchristlike but ingrained tendencies of action toward sudden Christlikeness. Our efforts to take control at that moment will fail so uniformly and ingloriously that the whole project of following Christ will appear ridiculous to the watching world.
- Dallas Willard
Discipline, strictly speaking, is activity carried on to prepare us indirectly for some activity other than itself. We do not practice the piano to practice the piano well, but to play it well.
- Dallas Willard