Quotes from Dallas Willard
Enable us to walk increasingly in the wholeness, holiness, and power of the kingdom of the heavens. No one need live in spiritual and personal defeat. A life of victory over sin and circumstance is accessible to all.
- Dallas Willard
Thomas Oord, in his Science of Love and elsewhere, defines or describes love as acting intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to promote overall well-being. I believe this to be one of the better efforts toward articulating agape love. Most importantly, it distinguishes love from desire, and locates it in the will, leaving room for desire and feeling to play an appropriate role in love without making them the heart of the matter.
- Dallas Willard
Christ is the only one capable of communicating to and developing within the believer an accurate image and idea of God.
- Dallas Willard
John 3:16 is not about forgiveness of sins, no matter the guy with rainbow hair in the end zone who's holding up that sign. John 3:16 is about life now.
- Dallas Willard
The biblical day begins at sundown—the early evening, we might call it. It is the end that is also the beginning.
- Dallas Willard
The results are only infrequently a matter of murder, but world as well as individual events ride upon the waters of an ideational sea. The killing fields of Cambodia come from philosophical discussions in Paris.
- Dallas Willard
If we think we are facing an irresistible cosmic force of evil, it will invariably lead to giving in and giving up—usually with very little resistance. If you can convince yourself that you are helpless, you can then stop struggling and just "let it happen." That will seem a great relief—for a while. You can once more be a normal human being. But then you will have to deal with the consequences. And for normal human beings those are very severe.
- Dallas Willard
Disciplines are activities that are in our power and that enable us to do what we cannot do by direct effort.
- Dallas Willard
Making sure to leave the evening free as the start of your time with Jesus.
- Dallas Willard
We are in a time when thinking rightly is more important than ever. The prospering of God's cause on earth depends upon his people thinking well.
- Dallas Willard
Love is something that has three essential characteristics: 1.) Love arises in people whose lives are already marked by certain qualities of the whole self, chief of which are faith in our all-sufficient God and joyful embracing of death to self. 2.) Love involves an orientation of the whole self toward what is good and right. 3.) Love has amazing, supernatural power for good as it indwells the individual.
- Dallas Willard
It helps to have some idea of what it would be like to go through a day with Jesus.
- Dallas Willard