Quotes from Dallas Willard
If we are to know the abundant provision of God's unlimited resources, we must also understand how Satan works to rob us of that experience. He does so by deceit.
- Dallas Willard
Love is a gift from God, who is love. We can seek a gift and we can receive a gift, but we do not perform for a gift. So, when we read passages of Scripture like those above, we must remember that the call to us is not to do as much as it is to receive.
- Dallas Willard
We sing from this passage, "When we've been there ten thousand years, bright, shining as the sun…." But we should understand that brightness always represents power, energy, and that in the kingdom of our Father we will be active, unimaginably creative.
- Dallas Willard
The spiritual side of the human being, Christian and non-Christian alike, develops into the reality that it becomes, for good or ill.
- Dallas Willard
It cannot be stressed too much that the permanent address at which the word of God may be found is the Bible.
- Dallas Willard
Knowledge is a friend of faith, essential to faith and to our relationship with God in the spiritual life.
- Dallas Willard
They spend their whole earthly existence trying to save, enhance, and enrich their lives. And what happens? They lose the most important things in their life: an intimate relationship with God and with others.
- Dallas Willard
Every Christian must strive to arrive at beliefs about God that faithfully reflect the realities of his or her life and experience, so that each may know how to live effectively before him in his world. That's theology!
- Dallas Willard
His Heart, Our Heart As disciples (literally students) of Jesus, our goal is to learn to be like him. We begin by trusting him to receive us as we are. But our confidence in him leads us toward the same kind of faith he had, a faith that made it possible for him to act as he did.
- Dallas Willard
The Beatitudes simply cannot be "good news" if they are understood as a set of "how-tos" for achieving blessedness. They would then only amount to a new legalism. They would not serve to throw open the kingdom—anything but. They would impose a new brand of Phariseeism, a new way of closing the door—as well as some very gratifying new possibilities for the human engineering of righteousness.
- Dallas Willard
The truth of the matter is that people are obsessed with themselves. This is often caused by the wounds they have received. When you hit your thumb with a hammer, what happens in the following days? You are very mindful of your thumb. The same is true when we are hurt; we become conscious of ourselves to such an extent that we are imprisoned in that consciousness.
- Dallas Willard
Christian spiritual formation is inescapably a matter of recognizing in ourselves the idea systems of evil that govern the present age and respective culture, as well as those that constitute life away from God.
- Dallas Willard