Quotes from Dallas Willard
It is well known how hard it is to provide a benign order within human means. For the problem, once again, is in the human heart. Until it fully engages with the rule of God, the good that we feel must be cannot come. It will at a certain point be defeated by the very means implemented to produce it.
- Dallas Willard
And they shall live with His face in view, and that they belong to Him will show on their faces. Darkness will no longer be. They will have no need of lamps or sunlight because God the Lord will be radiant in their midst. And they will reign through the ages of ages. REV. 22:4—5
- Dallas Willard
The body is important, but the mind is all-important. And the most important thing about your mind is what it is fixed upon.
- Dallas Willard
Human initiative is not canceled by God redeeming us; it is heightened by immersion in the flow of God's life.
- Dallas Willard
If you are thinking of becoming a Christian, I warn you you are embarking on something which is going to take the whole of you, brains and all…. One reason why it needs no special education to be a Christian is that Christianity is an education itself.
- Dallas Willard
The material universe is both an essential display of the greatness and goodness of God and the arena of the eternal life of finite spirits, including the human.
- Dallas Willard
The intellect is good. Our natural abilities of perception are good, and they are not opposed to faith. Please hear me: our natural abilities are not opposed to faith. Yes, we live by faith and not by sight, but try not using your sight at all and see how that works. When Jesus walked this earth, he used all of his human powers—all of them—and we are called to devote all of our human powers to God in order that we might live under him as he intended.
- Dallas Willard
Today there is no foundation. Ultimately what rules in a discipline today is the social pressure of the best professional opinion, and that changes.
- Dallas Willard
It can't be any other way. If salvation is to affect our lives, it can do so only by affecting our bodies. If we are to participate in the reign of God, it can only be by our actions. And our actions are physical—we live only in the processes of our bodies. To withhold our bodies from religion is to exclude religion from our lives. Our life is a bodily life, even though that life is one that can be fulfilled solely in union with God.
- Dallas Willard
I don't believe God messes with our minds. He is not mean, and if he has something to say to me, he will say it.
- Dallas Willard
Thoughts are where we make our first movements toward God and where the divine Spirit begins to direct our will to God and his way.
- Dallas Willard
If you believe God has told you to do something, ask him to confirm it to you three times: through his word, through circumstances, and through other people who may know nothing of the situation. "This precept of three witnesses is not a law, but it is a good rule of thumb in an area where rules of thumb are badly needed".
- Dallas Willard