Quotes from Dallas Willard
The aim of spiritual formation is the transformation of the self, and that it works through transformation of thought, transformation of feeling, transformation of social relations, transformation of the body, and transformation of the soul. When we work with all these, transformation of the spirit (heart, will) very largely, though not entirely, takes care of itself.
- Dallas Willard
We must stop using the fact that we cannot earn grace ( whether for justification or for sanctification) as an excuse for not energetically seeking to receive grace.
- Dallas Willard
I realize that I will either allow my view of evil to determine my view of God and will cut him down accordingly, or I will allow my view of God to determine my view of the evil and will elevate him accordingly, accepting that nothing is beyond his power for good.
- Dallas Willard
Worship is at once the overall character of the renovated thought life and the only safe place for a human being to stand.
- Dallas Willard
Anxiety is just groundless and pointless. It occurs only as a hangover of bad habits established when we were trusting things—like human approval and wealth—that were certain to let us down. Now our strategy should be one of resolute rejection of worry, while we concentrate on the future in hope and with prayer and on the past with thanksgiving.
- Dallas Willard
Today we are apt to downplay or disregard the importance of good thinking to strong faith; and some, disastrously, even regard thinking as opposed to faith. They do not realize that in so doing they are not honoring God, but simply yielding to the deeply anti-intellectualist currents of Western egalitarianism, rooted, in turn, in the romantic idealization of impulse and blind feeling found in David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and their nineteenth- and twentieth-century followers.
- Dallas Willard
The world that contains the possibility of evil is the one that also contains the greatest possibility of good. And the question of why God allows evil to happen has to be put against the question of what a world where evil could not happen would be like. It's by working on those questions that people can come to some resolution in their minds about the reality of evil and what it means.
- Dallas Willard
Remember, in Colossians we are told that in him are hidden "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (2:3). And, of course, it's perfectly logical that the reason all the treasures are hidden in him is because he made everything. So if you're engaged in research in some field, you should take him in as your partner, because he really does know what makes things work. Regardless of what you're working on, Jesus has the knowledge required to solve your problems.
- Dallas Willard
God seeks us. The basic nature of God is one of loving community.
- Dallas Willard
The experience of a life without lack depends first and foremost upon the presence of God in our lives, because the source of this life is God himself.
- Dallas Willard
The only definition of eternal life found in Scripture is John 17:3: "And this is eternal life, that they might know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent".
- Dallas Willard
No good tree produces bad fruit, nor any bad tree good fruit…. The good person, from the good treasured up in his heart, produces what is good. LUKE 6:43—45
- Dallas Willard