Quotes from Dallas Willard
Hearing God cannot be a reliable and intelligible fact of life except when we see his speaking as one aspect of his presence with us, of his life in us. Only our communion with God provides the appropriate context for communications between us and him.
- Dallas Willard
Spirituality has thus come to be regarded by the world as those futile, self-torturing excesses of strange men and women who lived in far-off, benighted places and times. Accordingly, the One who came to give abundance of life is commonly thought of as a cosmic stuffed shirt, whose excessive spirituality probably did not allow him normal bodily functions and certainly would not permit him to throw a frisbee or tackle someone in a football game.
- Dallas Willard
We are required to "bet our life" that the visible world, while real, is not reality itself.
- Dallas Willard
Often I have asked at USC and other places in public, "Has anyone shown that reality is secular? Could you show me the person and where this was done? If it has not been done, isn't it a little on the questionable side to announce we are a secular university?
- Dallas Willard
The ultimate freedom we have as individuals is the power to select what we will allow or require our minds to dwell upon and think about. By think we mean all the ways in which we are aware of things, including our memories, perceptions, and beliefs. The focus of your thoughts significantly affects everything else that happens in your life and evokes the feelings that frame your world and motivate your actions.
- Dallas Willard
And with respect to feelings that are inherently injurious and wrong, their strategy is not one of resisting them in the moment of choice but of living in such a way that they do not have such feelings at all, or at least do not have them in a degree that makes it hard to decide against them when appropriate.
- Dallas Willard
And he will bring justice to the nations. He will not quarrel, nor scream at people. You will not be able to hear his voice above the chatter of the street. In bringing discernment of what is good and right to the point where it actually governs human existence, he will not use even the violence it takes to finish breaking a stick that is already cracked or smother a smoking wick. (Matt. 12:18—21, quoted from Isa. 42:1—4)
- Dallas Willard
He comes where we are, and he brings us the life we hunger for. An early report reads, "Life was in him, life that made sense of human existence" (John 1:4). To be the light of life, and to deliver God's life to women and men where they are and as they are, is the secret of the enduring relevance of Jesus. Suddenly they are flying right-side up, in a world that makes sense.
- Dallas Willard
The Disciplines of Christ-likeness The third side of our triangle is made up of spiritual disciplines. These are special activities, many engaged in by Jesus himself, such as solitude and study, service and secrecy, fasting and worship.
- Dallas Willard
God has made himself known by personally approaching human beings and involving himself in their lives. The history is there for all who wish to see. But no one has to see—now. That is how the divine conspiracy works. With this God in view, the prophetic witness relentlessly speaks, with absolute assurance, of "the times of the restitution of all things" (Acts 3:21).
- Dallas Willard
How unbearably tragic it would be, though, if the millions of Asia, South America and Africa were led to believe that the best we can hope for from The Way of Christ is the level of Christianity visible in Europe and America today
- Dallas Willard
Truth reveals reality, and reality can be described as what we humans run into when we are wrong, a collision in which we always lose.
- Dallas Willard