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Quotes from Anonymous

If the risk-reward ratio is right, you can make big money buying trouble.
- Anonymous
A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins.
- Anonymous
The really happy man is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
- Anonymous
Beware of him that telleth tales.
- Anonymous
The Eiffel Tower is the Empire State Building after taxes.
- Anonymous
Some people speak from experience, while others, from experience, don't speak.
- Anonymous
Don't worry if your "you" is small and your rewards are few: Remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you.
- Anonymous
Remember, if God had wanted this to be perfect, he never would have had me up here.
- Anonymous
Here's to the past. Thank God it's past!
- Anonymous
Then is then. Now is now. We must grow to learn the difference.
- Anonymous
Now is the only time we own; give, love, toil with a will. And place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still.
- Anonymous
Yesterday has gone. Tomorrow may never come. There is only the miracle of this moment. Savor it. It is a gift.
- Anonymous