Quotes from Andrew Wommack
If God can get money through you, He'll get it to you!
- Andrew Wommack
As believers, you don't need to pray for a new heart, you need to pray for a new head.
- Andrew Wommack
Most people do not let the Word of God get in the way of what they believe.
- Andrew Wommack
Do you think God would heal an adulterer? Well I believe if God would save an adulterer, then He would heal one.
- Andrew Wommack
Without faith, God's grace is wasted, & without grace, faith is powerless.
- Andrew Wommack
God's anointing is not based on your performance, but if you don't open the Word, you're stupid, because that's where the words of life are.
- Andrew Wommack
God uses us in spite of who we are, not because of it.
- Andrew Wommack
True joy is independence of circumstances - Choose to rejoice!
- Andrew Wommack
Prayer is not trying to twist God's arm to make Him do something. Prayer is receiving by faith what He has already done!
- Andrew Wommack
Life is not a dress rehearsal - wake up every day excited to live out your purpose.
- Andrew Wommack
The truth is, you don't need the Lord to do anything for you. He's already done His part. You've already got it, whatever "it" is.
- Andrew Wommack
The devil isn't a true lion; he just walks around roaring like one trying to intimidate the Body of Christ. But the truth is, he's had his teeth pulled, and all he can do now is gum you.
- Andrew Wommack