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Quotes from Hannah Whitall Smith

A happy heart can walk in triumphant indifference through a sea of external trouble; while internal anguish cannot find happiness in the most favorable surroundings.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
He who cares for the sparrows and numbers the hairs of our head, cannot possibly fail us.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Remember, then, that the real thing in your experience is what your will decides, and not the verdict of your emotions; and that you are far more in danger of hypocrisy and untruth in yielding to the assertions of your feelings, than in holding fast to the decision of your will. So that, if your will is on God's side, you are no hypocrite at this moment in claiming as your own the blessed reality of belonging altogether to Him, even though your emotions may all declare the contrary.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Put together all the tenderest love you know of dear reader the deepest you have ever felt and the strongest that has ever been poured out upon you and heap upon it all the love of all the loving human hearts in the world and then multiply it by infinity and you will begin perhaps to have some faint glimpses of what the love of God in Christ Jesus is. And this is grace.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
My part, was the prompt reply, was to run away, and the Lord's part was to run after me until He caught me.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
To be one of God's lilies means an interior abandonment of the rarest kind. It means that we are to be infinitely passive, and yet infinitely active also; passive as regards self and its workings, active as regards attention and response to God. It is very hard to explain this so as to be understood But it means that we must lay down all the activity of the creature, as such, and must let only the activities of God work in us, and through us, and by us. Self must step aside, to let God work.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Man's Christianity teaches sacrifice to save ourselves; Christ's Christianity teaches sacrifice to save others. Man's Christianity produces the fruitless selfishness of too much of our religion. Christ's Christianity produces the blessed unselfishness of lives that are poured out for others, as was His.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Has the kingdom of God been overadvertised, or is it only that it has been underbelieved; has the Lord Jesus Christ been overestimated, or has He only been undertrusted?
- Hannah Whitall Smith
The teaching here is simply this, that anything allowed in the heart which is contrary to the will of God, let it seem ever so insignificant, or be ever so deeply hidden, will cause us to fall before our enemies.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Perfect obedience would be perfect happiness, if only we had perfect confidence in the power we were obeying.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
We can and must love the will of God in the trial, for His will is always sweet, whether it be in joy or in sorrow.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
The apple in June is a perfect apple for June. It is the best apple that June can produce. But it is very different from the apple in October, which is a perfected apple.
- Hannah Whitall Smith