Quotes from Ronald Reagan
Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put in this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer. It's so hard for government planners, no matter how sophisticated, to ever substitute for millions of individuals working night and day to make their dreams come true. The fact is, bureaucracies are a problem around the world.
- Ronald Reagan
Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should. Happy Fourth of July.
- Ronald Reagan
Only when the human spirit is allowed to invent and create, only when individuals are given a personal stake in deciding economic policies and benefiting from their success -- only then can societies remain economically alive, dynamic, prosperous, progressive and free.
- Ronald Reagan
The classical Liberal, during the Revolutionary time, was a man who wanted less power for the king and more power for the people. He wanted people to have more say in the running of their lives and he wanted protection for the God-given rights of the people. He did not believe those rights were dispensations granted by the king to the people, he believed that he was born with them. Well, that today is the Conservative.
- Ronald Reagan
There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.
- Ronald Reagan
The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.
- Ronald Reagan
My doctors told me this morning my blood pressure is down so low that I can start reading the newspapers.
- Ronald Reagan
When liberals say 'family', they mean 'Big Brother in Washington.' When we say 'family,' we mean 'honor thy father and mother.'
- Ronald Reagan
From my mother I learned the value of prayer, how to have dreams and believe I could make them come true.
- Ronald Reagan
Elvis epitomised America, and for that we shall be eternally grateful. There will never be anyone else like him. Let's all rejoice in his music.
- Ronald Reagan
George Burns . . . the only man I know who does fool Mother Nature.
- Ronald Reagan
If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.
- Ronald Reagan