Quotes from Robert Brault
Looking back, you realize that everything would have explained itself if you had only stopped interrupting.
- Robert Brault
There are times when two people need to step apart from one another, but there is no rule that says they have to turn and fire.
- Robert Brault
Whatever you set aside to seek happiness, remember where you put it.
- Robert Brault
Lovers needn't always agree, anymore than poetry need always rhyme.
- Robert Brault
A parent's love is whole no matter how many times divided.
- Robert Brault
It's still possible to be a cockeyed optimist these days — you just have to be a little more cockeyed.
- Robert Brault
Though you lose all hope, there is still hope, and it loves to surprise.
- Robert Brault
One is more apt to become wise by doing fool things than by reading wise sayings.
- Robert Brault
Man is the only animal who enjoys the consolation of believing in a next life; all other animals enjoy the consolation of not worrying about it.
- Robert Brault
You don't want to get to the end of life's journey and discover you never left the interstate.
- Robert Brault
I tell my child, if I seem obsessed to always know where you've been, it is because my DNA will be found at the scene.
- Robert Brault
Sometimes the answer to our prayers is to become the answer to someone else's prayers.
- Robert Brault