Quotes from Robert Brault
The people in your life who don't need an invitation still like to get one.
- Robert Brault
How do you achieve success? Well, for one thing, you don't define it before you achieve it.
- Robert Brault
If you teach your children nothing else, teach them the Golden Rule and "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey."
- Robert Brault
The trick to writing an aphorism is to place a period at the point where you're inclined to say, "in other words...."
- Robert Brault
We never give up wanting things for ourselves, but there comes a day when what we want for ourselves is someone else's happiness.
- Robert Brault
There comes a point in a relationship when you realize that you trust someone enough to let them keep their secrets.
- Robert Brault
So often our greatest triumph is a willing surrender.
- Robert Brault
It is sad when two people turn from the paths they're traveling, and their paths go on to cross without them.
- Robert Brault
The road to success is wherever people need another road.
- Robert Brault
What a blessing it is to be alone with your thoughts when so many are alone with their inability to think.
- Robert Brault
I've been looking over the list of spring chores I made up last fall, and darned if they aren't fall chores, after all.
- Robert Brault
Looking back on a happy life, one realizes that one was not happy all the time.
- Robert Brault