Quotes from Jim Rohn
The Bible says that it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It doesn't say that it is impossible!
- Jim Rohn
The rich invest their money and spend what is left; the poor spend their money and invest what is left.
- Jim Rohn
The reason why I spend so much money for my journals is to press me to find something valuable to put in them.
- Jim Rohn
Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.
- Jim Rohn
If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.
- Jim Rohn
Life is not just the passing of time. Life is the collection of experiences and their intensity.
- Jim Rohn
Learn how to say no. Don't let your mouth overload your back.
- Jim Rohn
Don't read a book and be a follower; read a book and be a student.
- Jim Rohn
Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.
- Jim Rohn
To succeed in sales, simply talk to lots of people every day. And here's what's exciting: There are lots of people!
- Jim Rohn
One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention
- Jim Rohn
Where you start in the marketplace is not where you have to stay.
- Jim Rohn