Quotes from J. Oswald Sanders
Selecting leaders apart from spiritual qualifications leads always to unspiritual administration.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Our problem is not too little time but making better use of the time we have.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Every Christian is obliged to be the best for God. Like any other worthwhile activity, if leadership can be improved, we should seek to improve it. In so doing, we prepare ourselves for higher service that may be just around the next corner, though unseen at the present.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Not every Christian is called to major leadership in the church, but every Christian is a leader, for we all influence others. All of us should strive to improve our leadership skills.
- J. Oswald Sanders
The leader who intends to grow spiritually and intellectually will be reading constantly.
- J. Oswald Sanders
These days, the practice of reading spiritual classics is on the wane. We have more leisure today than ever before in history, but many people claim to have no time for reading. A spiritual leader cannot use that excuse.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Leaders should determine to spend a minimum of half an hour a day reading books that feed the soul and stimulate the mind.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Indeed, if we read merely to stock our head with ideas, to feel superior to others, or to appear learned, then our reading is useless and vain.
- J. Oswald Sanders
When we invite the Spirit to fill us, the Spirit's power grips our lives with this kind of strength and passion.
- J. Oswald Sanders
To be filled with the Spirit is to be controlled by the Spirit. The Christian leader's mind, emotions, will, and physical strength all become available for the Spirit to guide and use. Under the Spirit's control, natural gifts of leadership are lifted to their highest power, sanctified for holy purpose.
- J. Oswald Sanders
The filling of the Spirit is essential for spiritual leadership. And each believer has as much of the Spirit's presence as he or she will ever need. Our task is to remain yielded to Him.
- J. Oswald Sanders
The leader cannot spend time on secondary matters while essential obligations scream for attention. A day needs careful planning.
- J. Oswald Sanders