Quotes from Richard Paul Evans
Alan will never forget. Click Here to
- Richard Paul Evans
They kept playing until Gervaso had won more than five thousand dollars and quit because he was drawing too much attention.
- Richard Paul Evans
To open the book of another's life requires great care, as the pages must be turned with delicacy and caution -- but it is usually worth the effort.
- Richard Paul Evans
Truth is patient. It can afford to be, for eventually it will have its way.
- Richard Paul Evans
college education does not make one wise; it just fills your head with others' voices.
- Richard Paul Evans
Our thoughts are not arrows haphazardly shot out into the cosmos. They are boomerangs.
- Richard Paul Evans
Regret is a useless emotion.
- Richard Paul Evans
The devil will tell a thousand truths to sell one lie.'
- Richard Paul Evans
Unfortunately, most women's closets are more organized than their finances.
- Richard Paul Evans
Consider your own deepest fears-real or imagined. Actually all fear is born of the imagination, which means that the danger we fear doesn't need to be rational or even real to be potent.
- Richard Paul Evans
The people in our lives are like cards in a deck. At different times we draw, hold, and discard, but, in the end, we don't really know the cards' value until life calls our hand.
- Richard Paul Evans
It's been my experience that those with the toughest shells have the softest hearts
- Richard Paul Evans