Quotes from Richard Paul Evans
everyone has, to some degree, a subconscious belief in their own worthlessness. Narcissists have the same feelings, but instead of acknowledging them, they cover them up with a delusional denial of all wrongdoing.
- Richard Paul Evans
In the end, it is not by knowledge that we make our journeys but by hope and faith: hope that our walk will be worthy of our steps and faith that we are going somewhere. And only when we come to the end of our journeys do we truly understand that every step of the way we were walking on water.
- Richard Paul Evans
I've found that when someone is beautiful on the outside, but spiritually dark inside, all that outer beauty is just lipstick on a pig. ~Zeke
- Richard Paul Evans
To the thief, everyone's a crook. To the liar, everyone's a fraud. The curse of all sin is the mirror of false perception it traps us in.
- Richard Paul Evans
If a problem has a solution, to worry is no use, for in the end it will be solved. If a problem has no solution, there is no reason to worry, because it cannot be solved.
- Richard Paul Evans
We all have a road to walk. The foolish walk blindly. The intelligent navigate it. The good repair it as they go. CHARLES JAMES'S DIARY
- Richard Paul Evans
Romance novels are all about desire and happily-ever-after, but happily-ever-after doesn't come from desire—at least not the kind portrayed in pulp romances. Real love is not to desire a person but to desire their happiness—sometimes even at the expense of our own happiness. Real love is to expand our own capacity for tolerance and caring, to actively seek another's well-being. All else is simply a charade of self-interest.
- Richard Paul Evans
There is one day that has brought me unspeakable pain, & the effects of that day continue to cover & erode my world like rust. I suspect that someday the rust will eat through the joists & posts of my life & I will topple, literally as well as figuratively.
- Richard Paul Evans
Some people use the Bible as medicine. Others use it as poison." - Charles James
- Richard Paul Evans
Kids don't come with owner's manuals. You have to figure each of them out, and by the time you do, they're gone.
- Richard Paul Evans
I've learned that the greatest threat to love is not circumstance but the absence of attentions. For we do not neglect others because we have ceased to love; rather we ceased to love others because we have neglected them. I've learned that each day is a miracle unearned. I've learned that while life is ephemeral-a vapor- LOVE is not. In short, I have learned what matters and what does not.
- Richard Paul Evans
There are none so impoverished as those who deny the blessings of their lives.
- Richard Paul Evans