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Quotes from Mark Driscoll

Until the end, God's people are to wait patiently and serve diligently. In this life we are to suffer courageously and serve humbly like Jesus did during his incarnation, trusting that all will be made right in due time.
- Mark Driscoll
Everyone is in a tribe, and the sooner we realize we are not each unique, like a snowflake—a special, one-of-a-kind person, just like Mama said—the sooner we will make sense of ourselves and the spiritual cul-de-sac we call home. You are likely not unique, particularly special
- Mark Driscoll
I, however, am also a fan of riot evangelism. As we read the book of Acts, we see that the church comes into being through a Spirit-empowered sermon by Peter on the day of Pentecost and not through some guy spending six months playing checkers with people, hoping to somehow earn the right to share the gospel.
- Mark Driscoll
In the opening pages of Genesis, we see that our Trinitarian God made everything "good." The only thing that is not called "good" is that our first father, Adam, was alone. He had creation below him, and God above him, but no one alongside of him to walk as an equal.
- Mark Driscoll
What changes need to happen in your life to enjoy Jesus more thoroughly, worship him more passionately, follow him more closely, serve him more diligently, trust him more fully, and proclaim him more boldly?
- Mark Driscoll
Furthermore, if our views of justice and morality were nothing more than neurochemistry hardwired into us, then we would lose the right to be morally outraged at such things as genocide, rape, murder, and racism. When we deny the dignity of humanity as created in God's image, we saw off the branch upon which we sit to defend it.
- Mark Driscoll
anxiety and subsequent panic attacks were the result of being conflicted between the fear of the Lord and the fear of man. Proverbs 29:25 says, "The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe.
- Mark Driscoll
Jude 1:3 commands us to "contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (emphasis added). Quite frankly, there are certain things that we need to just adhere to and fight for with deep passion and conviction—the national border issues, as we discussed in chapter 4.
- Mark Driscoll
If we idolize our theological system, we must demonize other theological systems.
- Mark Driscoll
Contextualization is about showing the relevance of the gospel, not making the gospel relevant. That's the essence of contextualization.
- Mark Driscoll
Simply stated, everyone who idolizes also demonizes and in so doing is a hypocrite contributing to the tearing of a social fabric of love, peace, and kindness they purport to be serving.
- Mark Driscoll
Christians should desire to live their lives as good and godly stewards like Jesus, investing their time, talent, and treasure for God's purposes.
- Mark Driscoll