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Quotes from Mark Driscoll

We want to state this carefully: a spouse who is evil, distant, cruel, unloving, or abusive should not use this information to demand more sex from his wife without first dealing with his sin.
- Mark Driscoll
To make matters worse, seemingly every book I read by Christians on sex and marriage sounded unfair. Nearly every one said the husband had to work very hard to understand his wife, to relate to her.
- Mark Driscoll
Back in high school, once she suspected that I was probably not a Christian, she did not break up with me as she should have.
- Mark Driscoll
The church was custom built by Jesus, and we are all works in progress. We do not expect people to get their sin in order before attending church any more than a hospital expects people to get healed before they show up.
- Mark Driscoll
We need more Spirit-empowered Christians who take seriously their call to witness to God's work in this world, and to do so in unity with other Christians, even if they don't agree on some secondary matters.
- Mark Driscoll
Spirit-led Jesus followers recognize that they are imperfect Christians working with other imperfect Christians to serve a perfect Christ. When we love and give to one another, then we grow as individuals and as the family of God.136
- Mark Driscoll
It's amazing how quickly evangelicals turn into evangellyfish with no spiritual vertebrae when they start to lose money, job security, cultural clout, or public support.
- Mark Driscoll
An animal will conquer others. A Spirit-filled man conquers himself — self-discipline, self-control.
- Mark Driscoll
All of a Christian's life is one of repentance.
- Mark Driscoll
Indeed, the world is our mission field, and Jesus is our model incarnational missionary who went before us and now goes with us as we continue in his work by his Spirit as his church for his glory to our joy.
- Mark Driscoll
There are certain elements that Scripture prescribes for corporate worship services of the church. Many theologians refer to these as the elements of corporate worship, and they include the following: 1) Preaching34 2) Sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Table35 3) Prayer36 4) Reading Scripture37 5) Financial giving38 6) Singing and music
- Mark Driscoll
The main point of a prayer meeting is not to move God but to allow God to move us. The Bible says we Christians grieve, quench, and resist the Holy Spirit.[97] So, we pray to repent of our sin against him and align our will with his. The Spirit is always available to us, and in prayer we make ourselves available to him.
- Mark Driscoll