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Quotes from Mark Driscoll

I came to the conclusion that the cure for a lot of my moodiness was having more frequent sex with my wife.
- Mark Driscoll
The questions today are different, and if people don't get answers from pastors and parents, they will find them in dark, depraved places.
- Mark Driscoll
Singles, fornicating is an internship for adultery.
- Mark Driscoll
To conquer your biology, stop seeing people sexually and start seeing them as family. In our day, we have really a perverted notion where it's like strangers and potential sexual objects.
- Mark Driscoll
Since you act as though God is dead, I wanted to join you in the mourning. The reply of Martin Luther's wife, in full funeral regalia, in trying to illustrate the folly of his depressed state.
- Mark Driscoll
In what ways has God changed you to become more holy because of Jesus' blessing? How is God inviting you to make further changes in your life to live at greater levels of obedience and holiness to reflect Christ more?
- Mark Driscoll
If you're a Christian, then you're on God's predestined path to relationship with him. God has chosen to know you, love you, seek you, forgive you, embrace you, and befriend you!
- Mark Driscoll
The absolute worst place to begin constructing an identity is you, which is precisely where most counseling begins. The absolute best place to begin constructing an identity is Jesus Christ, which is precisely where Scripture begins. Knowing Jesus and being saved by him in faith is the key to your identity and the defeat of your idolatry. It's not about you. It's all about Jesus.
- Mark Driscoll
as John Calvin rightly said, the human heart is an idol factory.
- Mark Driscoll
a reporter asked Barth what was the single most important theological discovery he'd made. After stopping to consider his answer carefully, Barth said, "Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Bible tells me so." Indeed, we can never outgrow that one great, majestic, and simple transforming truth.
- Mark Driscoll
The essence of masculinity is taking responsibility for yourself, then a wife, then children. These are the kinds of things the Bible says qualify a man to be a church leader.[198] Guys who don't do this act irresponsibly, take rather than give, and dump their responsibilities on others by virtue of their childish ways. This is why Jeremiah wrote, "It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young."[199] Men are like trucks: they drive straighter when carrying a load.
- Mark Driscoll
As a pastor, I recognize that in theological terms, narcissists want to be the center of attention, like a god, and have people worship them by paying attention to them, buying the products they promote, and emulating their behavior.
- Mark Driscoll