Quotes from Lyndon B. Johnson
The Negro says, 'Now.' Others say, 'Never.' The voice of responsible Americans ... says, 'Together.' There is no other way.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
There can no longer be anyone too poor to vote.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
We Americans know-although others appear to forget-the risk of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war. (On ordering retaliatory action against North Vietnam)
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
You aren't learning anything when you're talking.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
I may not know much, but I know chicken shit from chicken salad.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
The noblest search is the search for excellence
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Emancipation was a proclamation, but not a fact.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
As long as you are black, and you're gonna be black till the day you die, no one's gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you'll make it. Just pretend you're a goddamn piece of furniture. [Said to his chauffeur, Robert Parker, when Parker said he'd prefer to be referred to by his name rather than "boy," "nigger" or "chief."]
- Lyndon B. Johnson
The noblest search is the search for excellence.
- Lyndon B. Johnson