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Quotes from Greg Laurie

Every testimony is valid because there is someone out there a lot like you.
- Greg Laurie
Doubt they had ever heard anyone sing in that dungeon before.
- Greg Laurie
Satan, whom Paul labeled as "the god of this evil world," is so clever that he has fooled many people into thinking that he doesn't even exist—while in reality he controls their very lives.
- Greg Laurie
Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God."
- Greg Laurie
Having many things to write to you, I did not wish to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.
- Greg Laurie
So reach out and receive the gift.
- Greg Laurie
Two musical options: old hymns or cheery camp songs. Then, as hippie musicians who came to Jesus applied their talents to writing praise music about Him, Christian teenagers had new music to call their own. The resulting creative explosion—what's known now as contemporary Christian music—changed the face of worship in many churches for decades to come.
- Greg Laurie
You show me a church that does not have a constant flow of new Christians coming in, and I will show you a church that is stagnating. We in the church have a choice: evangelize or fossilize!
- Greg Laurie
Another thing about these words of the Great Commission to both preach the gospel and make disciples: they are directed to every follower of Jesus. These words were not merely directed to the original disciples. Nor are they meant only for what we might call "professionals"—evangelists, pastors, missionaries, etc. They are for every follower of Jesus. Every man and every woman who believes in Him is called and commanded to go and proclaim His message.
- Greg Laurie
It's been said, "There is one thing that believers and nonbelievers have in common: they are both uptight about evangelism," and that is true. When it comes to sharing the gospel, it seems we plan for failure far more often than success.
- Greg Laurie
Statistics indicate that 95 percent of all Christians have never led another person to Christ.
- Greg Laurie
Jesus did not say that the whole world should go to church, but He did say that the church should go to the whole world.
- Greg Laurie