Quotes from Greg Laurie
I read a story about an old gentlemen who was known for his godly life. Someone asked him one day, "What do you do when you are tempted, old man?" He replied, "I just look up to Heaven and say, 'Lord, your property is in danger.'
- Greg Laurie
God can use anyone who truly decides he or she is "for Jesus," as Greg did in 1970, to accomplish extraordinary things for His kingdom.
- Greg Laurie
If you want to see a revival, do revival-like things.
- Greg Laurie
The kids (in the Jesus Movement) weren't singing for themselves. It seemed like they were singing TO Someone.
- Greg Laurie
For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.
- Greg Laurie
Often we fear the most difficult experiences of life only to discover that these are the experiences that bring Jesus Christ closer to us.
- Greg Laurie
This is what every follower of Jesus should be engaged in on a regular basis: sharing our faith, leading others to Christ, discipling them, and helping them to get grounded in the church—and then going out and doing it all again.
- Greg Laurie
Like the prodigal's father, God accepts us as we are. But He doesn't want to leave us that way. God will change us.
- Greg Laurie
A poll by researcher George Barna revealed that about 25 percent of the adults in the United States would go to church if a friend would just invite them.
- Greg Laurie
The full concept of discipleship includes sharing our faith, leading people to Christ, and helping them to mature in their faith. But somewhere along the line, the church has separated evangelism from discipleship.
- Greg Laurie
One is a path I've warned about tonight, the path that leads to fragmentation and self-interest. Down that road lies a mistaken idea of freedom, the right to grasp for ourselves some advantage over others. That path would be one of constant conflict between narrow interests ending in chaos and immobility.
- Greg Laurie
Today, 75 percent of young people who grew up in Christian homes and churches are now abandoning their faith as young adults. More than one-third of millennials say they are unaffiliated with any faith, up 10 percentage points since 2007.
- Greg Laurie