Quotes from Greg Laurie
I preach as a dying man to dying men.
- Greg Laurie
If you are seeking to obey the Lord, expect opposition. Expect obstacles. Expect difficulties. But also expect God to see you through.
- Greg Laurie
You were placed on earth to know God. Everything else is secondary.
- Greg Laurie
God's plans for you are better than any plans you have for yourself. So don't be afraid of God's will, even if it's different from yours.
- Greg Laurie
Either you will have harmony with God and friction with people, or you will have harmony with people and friction with God.
- Greg Laurie
So here is what it comes down to: the ultimate choice in life is between pleasing ourselves and pleasing God.
- Greg Laurie
The pulpit is not a place to settle scores, it's a place to preach the word of God.
- Greg Laurie
If you have faith in God, if you believe that God can use you, if you are willing to take a step of faith here and there, then God can do incredible things through you.
- Greg Laurie
We can trust God's heart even when we can't trace His path.
- Greg Laurie
Sometimes, God is going to have you sow a seed. Sometimes, God is going to have you water a seed that someone else sows. Sometimes, God is going to have you reap where others have sowed and watered.
- Greg Laurie
Know this: God's delays are not necessarily His denials. So keep praying.
- Greg Laurie
I take it very seriously when I take the pulpit. That I'm representing God.
- Greg Laurie