Quotes from Donald Miller
The only two motivations a hero has in a story are to escape something bad or experience something good.
- Donald Miller
Our desire to avoid pain motivates us to seek a resolution to our problems.
- Donald Miller
It's true of Jamie. But I want it to be true of you too. And for that matter, me. I don't believe we are accidents in the world, and I don't believe we were supposed to be actors either. I think we were supposed to be ourselves and we were meant as a miracle. Jamie, Be encouraged. Your heart is writing a poem on the world and it's being turned into a thousand songs.
- Donald Miller
If you have a clear message and no sales funnel, your business will not grow.
- Donald Miller
This is where most brands make a critical mistake. By assuming our customers only want to resolve external problems, we fail to engage the deeper story they're actually living. The truth is, the external problems we solve are causing frustrations in their lives and, just like in a story, it's those frustrations that are motivating them to call you.
- Donald Miller
The answer is no, at least not yet. Until we've defined a specific desire and become known for helping people achieve it, we shouldn't add too many conflicting story gaps to our StoryBrand BrandScript.
- Donald Miller
For example, if we own a house-painting business, our customer's external problem might be an unsightly home. The internal problem, however, may involve a sense of embarrassment about having the ugliest home on the street. Knowing this, our marketing could offer "Paint That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous".
- Donald Miller
For instance, if step one in the plan is to "set up a call," what benefits will they receive from that call? Will it save them time, will they find out if they're a good fit, will they get information they currently don't have?
- Donald Miller
Nobody will listen to you unless they sense that you like them. If a person senses that you do not like them, that you do not approve of their existence, then your religion and your political ideas will all seem wrong to them. If they sense that you like them, then they are open to what you have to say.
- Donald Miller
Each step of the plan should have a few words that discuss the benefits for the customer.
- Donald Miller
Finally, you ask them to make a commitment with a sales email sequence.
- Donald Miller
Lafayette learned from Catherine: he would respect all people on merit and champion the oppressed.
- Donald Miller