Quotes from Donald Miller
The same is true in social relationships. Commitment in a relationship takes time.
- Donald Miller
I felt like I was in a movie and had two cameras for eyes.
- Donald Miller
It's not that bad, Don. Don't worry. It's just that for some reason, you are letting this girl name you." "What do you mean, name me?" "Well, you are letting her decide your value, you know. Your value has to come from God. And God wants you to receive His love and to love yourself too.
- Donald Miller
Rushed relationships are not healthy.
- Donald Miller
Because it is so scatterbrained and has absolutely no charts and graphs, I'm actually quite surprised the Bible sells.
- Donald Miller
It is when people do not allow God to show up through them, she realized, that the world collapses in on itself.
- Donald Miller
I'm on my feet all day at work, so by 5:00 p.m. my lower back is usually aching. I wore XYZ shoes for the first time, and by 5:00 p.m. I felt like I could do another shift without blinking. I haven't felt this good in ten years.
- Donald Miller
The thing about death is it reminds you the story we are telling has finality.
- Donald Miller
Example from the StoryBrand one-liner: When you clarify your message word starts to spread about your company and your business grows.
- Donald Miller
By writing about the community we will create or join, and by listing the ways we will appreciate nature and art, we are reminding ourselves, over and over, that life is not about us. It's about sharing our human experience with other people.
- Donald Miller
Our sales funnels should invite people into a journey that never attempts to trick or coerce them to make a decision they will later regret.
- Donald Miller
When I met couples whose marriages were thriving after thirty and forty years, none of them were riding an emotional roller coaster of passion and then resentment. Instead, they loved each other as an act of their conscious will. They were more in control of their love than their "love" was in control of them.
- Donald Miller