Quotes from Donald Miller
I think that story about Jesus and the rich man also means that while everybody is invited, not everybody is willing.
- Donald Miller
We will never feel loved until we drop the act, until we're willing to show our true selves to the people around us.
- Donald Miller
Everything's a mirror when you're a writer; the computer monitor is a mirror. Who thinks they are so important they need to write books about themselves? Who are these people who write about themselves, and how did I become one of them?
- Donald Miller
If we really want our business to grow, we should position our products as the resolution to an external, internal, and philosophical problem and frame the "Buy Now" button as the action a customer must take to create closure in their story.
- Donald Miller
Finally, when I finished rambling, he said, "Don, all relationships are teleological." I asked him what the word teleological meant. "It means they're going somewhere," Al said. "All relationships are living and alive and moving and becoming something.
- Donald Miller
When writing their one-liners, many people fail to connect the problem, solution, and result. For instance: Many families struggle to spend time together, but at Acorn Family Camp, we solve the problem of boring summers so families create memories that last.
- Donald Miller
When Apple began filtering their communication to make it simple and relevant, they actually stopped featuring computers in most of their advertising.
- Donald Miller
I was creating someone I could live through, the person I'd be if I redrew the world.
- Donald Miller
I went there to try to get my head around this idea, this idea that the problem in the universe lives within me. I can't think of anything more progressive than the embrace of this fundamental idea.
- Donald Miller
The one final thing a sales funnel needs to do is help your customers to memorize your offer.
- Donald Miller
Suffering, as absurd as it seemed, pointed to a greater story in which, if one would only construe himself as a character within, he could find fulfillment in his tragic role, knowing the plot was heading toward redemption.
- Donald Miller
Once you understand how story integrates with your brand message, you'll be able to create communication pieces (and even a brand strategy) that engages more customers and grows your business.
- Donald Miller