Quotes from Donald Miller
Look, you guys are running around like monkeys trying to get people to clap, but people are fallen, they are separated from God, so they have no idea what is good or bad, worthy to be judged or set free, beautiful or ugly to begin with. Why not get your glory from God? Why not accept your feelings of redemption because of His pleasure in you, not the fickle and empty favor of man? And only then will you know who you are.
- Donald Miller
For so much of my life I had been defending Christianity because I thought to admit that we had done any wrong was to discredit the religious system as a whole, but it isn't a religious system, it is people following Christ; and the important thing to do, the right thing to do, was to apologize for getting in the way of Jesus.
- Donald Miller
When I say, "one obvious button," I don't mean "only one button," but rather one that stands out. Make the button a different color, larger, a bolder text, whatever you need to do. Then repeat that same button over and over so people see it as they scroll down the page.
- Donald Miller
The problem with Christian belief—-I mean real christian belief, the belief that there is a God and a devil and a heaven and a hell--is that it is not a fashionable thing to believe.
- Donald Miller
Can this person, product, or service help me survive?
- Donald Miller
The goal for our branding should be that every potential customer knows exactly where we want to take them: a luxury resort where they can get some rest, to become the leader everybody loves, or to save money and live better.
- Donald Miller
I told her how frustrating it is to be a Christian in America, and how frustrated I am with not only the church's failures concerning human rights, but also my personal failure to contribute to the solution.
- Donald Miller
Why start your one-liner by stating a problem? (1) Because the problem is the hook, (2) because the problem adds value to your product or service, and (3) because stating the problem is a great way to be remembered in your customer's mind.
- Donald Miller
The Guide. The section of the website in which you introduce yourself as the brand or person who can solve your customer's problem.
- Donald Miller
I learned that true love turns the other cheek, does not take a wrong into account, loves all people regardless of their indifference or hostility.
- Donald Miller
It bears repeating. The more we talk about the problems our customers experience, the more interest they will have in our brand.
- Donald Miller
God made me, He knows me, He understands me, and He wants community.
- Donald Miller