Quotes from Carl Sagan
Haldane imagined a far future when the stars have darkened and space is mainly filled with a cold thin gas. Nevertheless, if we wait long enough statistical fluctuations in the density of this gas will occur. Over immense periods of time the fluctuations will be sufficient to reconstitute a Universe something like our own. If the Universe is infinitely old, there will be an infinite number of such reconstitutions, Haldane pointed out.
- Carl Sagan
I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing
- Carl Sagan
Muchas religiones han intentado hacer grandes estatuas de sus dioses, con la idea, supongo, de hacernos sentir pequeños a nosotros. Pero, si ése era su objetivo, ya pueden quedarse con sus mÃ
- Carl Sagan
In the jury selection process, the court needs to be reassured that the verdict will be based on evidence.
- Carl Sagan
Out of all these contending propensities and child-rearing practices, some people emerge with an intact ability to fantasize, and a history, extending well into adulthood, of confabulation
- Carl Sagan
The unprecedented powers that science now makes available must be accompanied by unprecedented levels of ethical focus and concern by the scientific community—as well as the sort broadly based public education into the importance of science and democracy.
- Carl Sagan
We are, you and I, at least one of the ways that the Universe knows itself
- Carl Sagan
Perhaps the locale of the subjunctive mood will one day be found. Will Latins turn out to be extravagantly endowed and English-speaking peoples significantly short-changed in this minor piece of brain anatomy?
- Carl Sagan
Something dreadful happens to students between first and twelfth grades, and it's not just puberty.
- Carl Sagan
We are like butterflies, who flutter for a day and think it's forever.
- Carl Sagan
From this distant vantage point, the meat planet might not seem of any particular interest: an obscure and solitary lump, suspended in a sunbeam.
- Carl Sagan
Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time — proof that humans can work magic.
- Carl Sagan