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Quotes from Philip Yancey

and said, almost without thinking, "Well, of course, Philip, God was already present in the prison. I just had to make him visible." I have often thought of that line from Joanna, which would make a fine mission statement for all of us seeking to know and follow God. God is already present, in the most unexpected places. We just need to make God visible.
- Philip Yancey
As a Southerner, coming of age for me included a dawning awareness that we were living with a story that was self-deceiving, a lie. The resulting tension planted something deep in my soul, a nagging sense of betrayal.
- Philip Yancey
It occurs to me, in fact, that laughter has much in common with prayer. In both acts, we stand on equal ground, freely acknowledging ourselves as fallen creatures. We take ourselves less seriously. We think of our creatureliness. Work divides and ranks; laughter and prayer unite. Finding God in Unexpected Places(245
- Philip Yancey
The issue is not whether I agree with someone but rather how I treat someone with whom I profoundly disagree.
- Philip Yancey
We in the body of Christ are called to show love when God seems not to.
- Philip Yancey
Our only option, then, is honesty that leads to repentance. As the Bible shows, God's grace can cover any sin, including murder, infidelity, or betrayal. Yet by definition grace must be received, and hypocrisy disguises our need to receive grace. When the masks fall, hypocrisy is exposed as an elaborate ruse to avoid grace.
- Philip Yancey
Dependence, humility, simplicity, cooperation, and a sense of abandon are qualities greatly prized in the spiritual life, but extremely elusive for
- Philip Yancey
What would worship look like if we directed it more toward God than toward our own amusement?
- Philip Yancey
To the question Do I matter? Jesus is indeed the answer.
- Philip Yancey
If God's kingdom had a "No Oddballs Allowed" sign posted, none of us could get in.
- Philip Yancey
God weeps with us so that we may one day laugh with him.
- Philip Yancey
Somehow Christians have gotten a reputation as anti-pleasure, and this despite the fact that they believe pleasure was an invention of the Creator himself. We Christians have a choice. We can present ourselves as uptight bores who sacrificially forfeit half the fun of life by limiting our indulgence in sex, food, and other sensual pleasures. Or we can set about enjoying pleasure to the fullest, which means enjoying it in the way the Creator intended.
- Philip Yancey