Quotes from Philip Yancey
The Bible schools us to pray with blistering honesty.
- Philip Yancey
Western powers have learned a related and painful lesson in Iraq and Afghanistan: change imposed by force rarely produces the desired results. Likewise, a faith that matters grows best from the ground up, working its way through society gradually, without coercion.
- Philip Yancey
The proof of spiritual maturity, Tolstoy contended, is not how "pure" you are but awareness of your impurity. That very awareness opens the door to grace.
- Philip Yancey
No, the prayer is essential. I live on the prayers. They alone can strengthen me to fight despair and fatigue.
- Philip Yancey
Don't the Bible say we must love everybody?" "O, the Bible! To be sure, it says a great many things; but, then, nobody ever thinks of doing them." HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN
- Philip Yancey
the Bible gives no direct advice for citizens of a democracy. Paul and Peter urged their readers to submit to authorities and honor the king, but in a democracy we the citizens are the "king.
- Philip Yancey
Be careful," warned Nietzsche, "lest in fighting the dragon you become the dragon." I
- Philip Yancey
First, as should be clear by now, I believe that dispensing God's grace is the Christian's main contribution
- Philip Yancey
My anger about pain has melted mostly for one reason: I have come to know God. He has given me joy and love and happiness and goodness. They have come in unexpected flashes, in the midst of my confused, imperfect world, but they have been enough to convince me that my God is worthy of trust. Knowing him is worth all enduring.
- Philip Yancey
Gordon MacDonald said, the world can do anything the church can do except one thing: it cannot show grace.
- Philip Yancey
if we do not believe that, and if our Christian hope, tempered by sophistication, does not allow us to offer that truth to a dying, convulsing world then we are indeed, as the apostle Paul said, of all men most miserable.
- Philip Yancey
Jeremiah affected me more than any other book. The image of a wounded lover in Jeremiah is an awesome one that I cannot comprehend. Why would the God who created all that exists willingly become subject to such humiliation from creation? I was haunted by the reality of a God who lets our response matter that much.
- Philip Yancey