Quotes from Philip Yancey
He learned, like every good novelist, that human behaviour can neither be explained nor predicted, only rendered.
- Philip Yancey
The kingdom of suffering is a democracy, and we all stand in it or alongside it with nothing but our naked humanity.
- Philip Yancey
God is the ultimate judge of hypocrisy in the church, I decided; I would leave such judgment in God's capable hands. I began to relax and grow softer, more forgiving of others. After all, who has a perfect spouse, or perfect parents or children? We do not give up on the institution of family because of its imperfections—why give up on the church?
- Philip Yancey
Throughout the Bible, in fact, God shows a marked preference for "real" people over "good" people.
- Philip Yancey
Stanley Hauerwas, named "America's best theologian" by Time magazine, summed up the problem: "I have come to think that the challenge confronting Christians is not that we do not believe what we say, though that can be a problem, but that what we say we believe does not seem to make any difference for either the church or the world." When a poll of college students asked
- Philip Yancey
How differently will I relate to the uncommitted if I view them not as evil or unsaved but rather as lost.
- Philip Yancey
We should leave a worship service asking ourselves not "What did I get out of it?" but rather "Was God pleased with what happened?
- Philip Yancey
The solution to sin is not to impose an ever-stricter code of behavior. It is to know God.
- Philip Yancey
Any Greek scholar will tell you the word blessed is far too sedate and beatific to carry the percussive force Jesus intended. The Greek word conveys something like a short cry of joy, Oh, you lucky person!
- Philip Yancey
Taken as a whole, the Bible clearly puts the emphasis on what pleases God—the point of worship, after all. To worship, says Walter Wink, is to remember Who owns the house.
- Philip Yancey
Jesus, who said little about how believers should behave when we gather together and much about how we can affect the world around us.
- Philip Yancey
We may be abominations, but we are still God's pride and joy. All of us in the church need "grace-healed eyes" to see the potential in others for the same grace that God has so lavishly bestowed on us.
- Philip Yancey