Quotes from Philip Yancey
Doubt always coexists with faith, for in the presence of certainty who would need faith at all?
- Philip Yancey
Politics draws lines between people; in contrast, Jesus' love cuts across those lines and dispenses grace.
- Philip Yancey
Can we live now "as if" God is loving, gracious, merciful, and all-powerful, even while the blinders of time are obscuring our vision? The
- Philip Yancey
All suffering is suffering. As C. S. Lewis said, there is no such thing as "the sum of the world's suffering," an abstraction of the philosophers. There are simply individual people who hurt. And who wonder why God permits it.
- Philip Yancey
When I listened to public prayers in evangelical churches, I heard people telling God what to do, combined with thinly veiled hints on how others should behave. When
- Philip Yancey
My publisher conducted a website poll, and of the 678 respondents only 23 felt satisfied with the time they were spending in prayer. That
- Philip Yancey
To pray is to walk in the full light of God, and to say simply, without holding back, 'I am human and you are God.
- Philip Yancey
We do not pray to tell God what he does not know, nor to remind him of things he has forgotten. He already cares for the things we pray about... He has simply been waiting for us to care about them with him.
- Philip Yancey
Lord, if you can't make me thin, then make my friends look fat," humorist Erma Bombeck once prayed.
- Philip Yancey
What is faith, after all, but believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse
- Philip Yancey
by denying forgiveness to others, we are in effect determining them unworthy of God's forgiveness, and thus so are we.
- Philip Yancey
We pray because we can't help it.
- Philip Yancey