Quotes from Alice Hoffman
For love changes everything and forces us into lives we never imagined we might lead
- Alice Hoffman
Books may well be the only true magic
- Alice Hoffman
You never know what you want or need until you are old, for old age is a mystery that is impossible to unwind until you step into its maze.
- Alice Hoffman
They carried what was holy within them, for every man was a temple, and every prayer spoken could be heard by our Father above us.
- Alice Hoffman
Love more, her aunt had said. Not less.
- Alice Hoffman
Sally...can no longer think of love as a reality, or even as a possibility, however remote.
- Alice Hoffman
what does love matter in a world where it's so easy to hurt someone?
- Alice Hoffman
Although I am no longer caught in the past, the future seems like a ridiculous thing to me. Try to catch it, hold it in your hand. It disappears every time.
- Alice Hoffman
There are none who can fight as fiercely as a mother and a daughter, and none who can forgive more completely.
- Alice Hoffman
I knew I must do all as I was told, yet something burned inside me, a seed of defiance that must have derived from a long-ago ancestor. Perhaps my mind was inflamed from the books I had read and the worlds I had imagined.
- Alice Hoffman
Such things as smiles can be weapons as well.
- Alice Hoffman
What you send out comes back to you threefold. What you give to the world returns in kind. Blood begets blood.
- Alice Hoffman