Quotes from Alice Hoffman
She had a solemn expression as she asked if, in his opinion as a doctor, he had come to the conclusion that all living things had souls. ...... If a soul was formed by meaning and purpose, did not every blade of grass have a soul, for each had a purpose.
- Alice Hoffman
I used to think there was a plan, a rough plan, but a plan all the same," the doctor admitted. "Now, I believe there are a thousand plans. Every breath, every decision, influences the plan, expands it, shortens it, twists it all around. It's always changing. Those of us lucky enough to make it through the multitude of possible diseases and accidents get old. We get tired. We close our eyes.
- Alice Hoffman
There are secrets that must be held close, and most of these have to do with the wounding of the human heart, for sorrow spoken aloud is sorrow lived through twice.
- Alice Hoffman
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. —WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
- Alice Hoffman
When your father doesn't love you, a stone forms inside of you, hard and sharp enough to pierce through bone.
- Alice Hoffman
crows were more intelligent than most men, and more loyal, and that you could not choose them, they must choose you, they must come to you and once they did they would never leave you, at least not of their own accord.
- Alice Hoffman
In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things love.
- Alice Hoffman
She once told me that anyone who gets married had better like herself, because there's nobody else in this world that she'll ever really know, not truly.
- Alice Hoffman
Whatever belonged to you once, will always belong to you.
- Alice Hoffman
The truth frightens people because it isn't stable. It shifts every day.
- Alice Hoffman
Close your eyes and listen, such people advised, then walk twenty paces farther than you thought necessary. Just when you're certain you've lost your way completely, you'll be there. Open your eyes.
- Alice Hoffman
She had fallen under water, under a spell, in love with love.
- Alice Hoffman