Quotes from Alice Hoffman
First they burned the books, then the people who wrote them, then those who read them.
- Alice Hoffman
If she felt my gaze upon her, I assume she was accustomed to being stared at, just as I was used to wanting what I could not have.
- Alice Hoffman
For green is love and luck just as it is jealousy and envy
- Alice Hoffman
Our people believed every creature had a spark—nitzotz—that which was holy, and we were to show kindness and compassion to all beings, what we called baal chayyim. All animals praise God, as we do, with their songs and their voices. In midwinter, we dedicated a Sabbath to the birds, to offer our gratitude and acknowledge that it is their songs that have taught mankind how to chant and praise the glory of our Creator.
- Alice Hoffman
Well, I think of life as a novel. You can't just hop out of the mess you're in and into another story. You carry it all with you.
- Alice Hoffman
Who could blame the citizens of Massachusetts for rejoicing when spring is so close at hand? Winter in New England is merciless and cruel, a season that instills a particular melancholy in its residents and a hopelessness that is all but impossible to shake.
- Alice Hoffman
As long as she lives she will never figure out why it is that some boys refuse to see that somebody loves them.
- Alice Hoffman
It was then that Nathaniel truly began to appreciate the years he had spent alone in his room, the distance from other people that had given him the ability to observe and to feel what another might had also made him a writer.
- Alice Hoffman
She did believe in one thing, something so vast and deep she couldn't bring herself to tell John, even though it was probably safe to confide in someone she would never see again. She believed that people could lose themselves.
- Alice Hoffman
Those lines in Gillian's face are the most beautiful part about her. They reveal what she's gone through and what she's survived and who exactly she is, deep inside.
- Alice Hoffman
They both always wished for the same thing when they were sitting on the roof of the aunts' house on those hot, lonely nights. Sometime in the future, when they were both all grown up, they wanted to look up at the stars and not be afraid. This is the night they had wished for. This is that future, right now. And they can stay out as long as they want to, they can remain on the lawn until every star has faded, and still be there to watch the perfect blue sky at noon.
- Alice Hoffman
That was how you knew love. My mother had told me that. All you had to do as imagine your life without the other person, and if the thought alone made you shiver, then you knew.
- Alice Hoffman