Quotes from Alice Hoffman
But then you like to tempt fate, don't you? Don't worry, it will all work out
- Alice Hoffman
My father was both a scientist and a magician, but he declared that it was in literature wherein we discovered our truest natures.
- Alice Hoffman
I thought perhaps I had been wrong, too quick to judge the essence of a being by its appearance, still not fully understanding that, in the world God has given us, all things must change.
- Alice Hoffman
I knelt by the fire to make certain there were no burning embers left. That was when I spied the tracks of a lion. There were only a few such beasts left in the desert, but one had come here, answering my call. He had been there all the while, watching over me, before he left me at last.
- Alice Hoffman
In my memories I have set my life in Brooklyn between pieces of glass, separate from my current existence, and this has enabled me to move forward. The past cannot tie me in knots, nor can it cause me to drown. And yet what is stored in glass belongs to me still. Each piece is a part of me: the hummingbirds, the locked doors, Mr. Morris in the yard, the pear tree, the woman covered by bees, and you. Especially you.
- Alice Hoffman
You are the one who taught me that love was never what we expected it to be and that it was all we needed. For that, and for a thousand other things, I send my gratitude.
- Alice Hoffman
He was a follower of a teacher from Galilee who taught that peace was the only hope for mankind. Without it, we were like the jackals in the desert, nothing more. Beside me
- Alice Hoffman
Such was the case with most unhappy students; they avoided even one another, so intent on their own unhappiness they failed to notice the other lost souls around them.
- Alice Hoffman
You once said that just as anything whole can be broken, anything broken can be put back together again.
- Alice Hoffman
What gifts you had, you were meant to share. What you set out into the world came back to you threefold.
- Alice Hoffman
She takes the fortune cookies from the bottom of the bag and throws them into a glass bowl she keeps in the closet. She has no desire to know what her future might hold.
- Alice Hoffman
We make our own fate. And then all at once she realized they did. They could not control it, but they could choose how to respond to what happened.
- Alice Hoffman