Quotes from Elisabeth Elliot
The man whose eye is single for the glory of Another can be trusted.
- Elisabeth Elliot
The only basis of peace is the cessation of the conflict of two wills: my will vs God's.
- Elisabeth Elliot
God will not protect you from anything that will make you more like Jesus.
- Elisabeth Elliot
A quiet heart is content with what God gives. It is enough. All is grace.
- Elisabeth Elliot
A prayerful heart and an obedient heart will learn, very slowly and not without sorrow, to stake everything on God Himself.
- Elisabeth Elliot
The will of God is never exactly what you expect it to be. It may seem to be much worse, but in the end it's going to be a lot better and a lot bigger.
- Elisabeth Elliot
God's command 'Go ye, and preach the gospel to every creature' was the categorical imperative. The question of personal safety was wholly irrelevant.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Sometimes God's refusals are His mercies.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Does God ask us to do what is beneath us? This question will never trouble us again if we consider the Lord of heaven taking a towel and washing feet.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God's story never ends with 'ashes.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Everything if given to God can become your gateway to joy.
- Elisabeth Elliot
A little quiet reflection will remind me that yes to God always leads in the end to joy.
- Elisabeth Elliot