Quotes from Dennis Prager
If there is no God, we know there is no ultimate meaning or purpose to life: that all existence—including, of course, our own—is the result of random chance.
- Dennis Prager
We measure morality by what happens. Not what is intended.
- Dennis Prager
Unless there is a God, all morality is just opinion and belief. And virtually every atheist philosopher has acknowledged this.
- Dennis Prager
Universities are the most anti-Israel mainstream institutions in America. And Westerns journalists nearly always use militant or gunman to describe Islamist terrorists. For Reuters, BBC, the Associated Press, CNN, and nearly all newspapers, it violates moral neutrality to label even a man attempting to smash a bomb-laden car into a nightclub a terrorist.
- Dennis Prager
Virtually every news source lists the greater number of Palestinians killed in Arab-Israeli wars in order to depict the Israelis as guilty (of 'disproportionate response'). Had similar reporting taken place during World War II, the Western Allies would have been deemed the villains since Germany and Japan lost far more civilians than America or Britain.
- Dennis Prager
Like Whitney Houston, we believe the children are the future. But adults are in charge of the present, and we should start acting like it.
- Dennis Prager
According to just about every poll on happiness, people on the Left are generally less happy than conservatives.
- Dennis Prager
Most people, like the Israelites, complain far more often than they express gratitude. People frequently register a complaint with a manufacturer or service provider, but they rarely write a note of thanks for a job well done. We would all do well to consider writing a thank you note each time we write a letter of complaint. Similarly, and more importantly, too many people criticize their spouses more often than they compliment them. That is the road to an unhappy marriage.
- Dennis Prager
The Hasidic Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (1772—1810) taught, 'If you are not going to be better tomorrow than you were today, then what need do you have for tomorrow?' To which Telushkin has added: 'And if no one feels comfortable criticizing you, the likelihood that you will be better tomorrow is most probably nonexistent.
- Dennis Prager
Belief in God means more than believing God exists; it also means believing God cares about us. After all, if God exists but doesn't care about us, what difference does it make to us whether God exists? For all intents and purposes, there is no difference between atheism and the existence of a God who doesn't care about us.
- Dennis Prager
Or to put it another way, fun is during, happiness is during and after.
- Dennis Prager
Human beings want to be happy, and they have a right to want to be. Far from being a selfish or ignoble goal, this is one of the distinguishing features of human beings. To the extent that animals can be said to want anything, what they want is to avoid pain and to be sated, but not to be happy.
- Dennis Prager