Quotes from Dennis Prager
The Ten Commandments are preoccupied with goodness. Each commandment is a moral tour de force. Together they present the most compelling plan ever devised for a better life and good world. Yet, they were written—and in the eyes of hundreds of millions, revealed by the Creator—three thousand years ago. The Ten Commandments are what began humanity's long, arduous journey toward moral progress.
- Dennis Prager
The Hebrew original does not say, 'Do not kill.' It says, 'Do not murder.' Both Hebrew and English have two words for taking a life — one is 'kill' (harag, in Hebrew) and the other is 'murder' (ratzach in Hebrew).
- Dennis Prager
The next time you hear someone cite, 'Do not kill' when quoting the sixth commandment, gently but firmly explain that it actually says, 'Do not murder".
- Dennis Prager
When it comes to fighting evil, the left is almost pacifist.
- Dennis Prager
That's the great question: Who sees the miracles of daily life? And the answer is: Whoever chooses to see.
- Dennis Prager
The best way to combat racism is to have blacks and whites relate to one another as individuals, rather than as racial abstractions.... It becomes much harder to make a nasty generalization about another group after you have spent time in the home of one if its members.
- Dennis Prager
If your parents bring you no shame, be very grateful. If you're proud of them, celebrate.
- Dennis Prager
If we are to save a society in deep trouble, many changes are necessary. In terms of rights, two changes are mandatory. First, far more Americans need to ask what is good for society? before asking what is good for my group? Second, we need people to speak up on behalf of the one truly helpless group—children. For this to happen, people must start to think of children as human beings, not as property.
- Dennis Prager
This point is often overlooked: Fear of God is a liberating emotion, freeing one from a disabling fear of evil, powerful people. This needs to be emphasized because many people see fear of God as onerous rather than liberating.
- Dennis Prager
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed" (Genesis 9:6; emphasis added).
- Dennis Prager
I love goodness and hate evil. My favorite verse in the Bible is 'Those of you who love God—hate evil' (Psalms 97:10).
- Dennis Prager
With all our sophistication, the remarkable fact is that the Ten Commandments are more or less all we need.
- Dennis Prager