Quotes from David Jeremiah
If you have a steel ball, solid steel, the size of this earth, 25,000 miles in circumference, and every one million years a little sparrow would be released to land on that ball to sharpen his beak and fly away only to come back another million years later and begin again, by the time he would have worn that ball down to the size of a BB, eternity would have just begun.
- David Jeremiah
The White Throne Judgment will be nothing like our modern court cases. At the White Throne, there will be a Judge but no jury, a prosecution but no defense, a sentence but no appeal.
- David Jeremiah
The Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son... and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man" (John 5:22, 27).
- David Jeremiah
The devil may win the battle—but Christ has already won the war.
- David Jeremiah
We move in time, but God operates in eternity. He sees the end from the beginning. He cannot be taken by surprise, for our past, present, and future are before Him and in His grip all at once. An emergency to you or me is an opportunity in the great mosaic.
- David Jeremiah
Love is not about what we feel for others— it's about what we do for others.
- David Jeremiah
Our children are too precious and their time with us too short for us to neglect the unspeakable privilege we have in loving them, nurturing them, shaping them, and preparing them to step out into the wide world.
- David Jeremiah
Some churches grow vast congregations, increase the variety and number of their programs, and build larger and larger buildings to accomplish their purposes—which they mistake for those of Christ. In reality, He may be pushed outside and left knocking at the door. How sad to think of Him returning to His Church at the end of the age and finding Himself persona non grata!
- David Jeremiah
God's is real power clothed in apparent powerlessness; Evil's is apparent power which is really powerlessness.
- David Jeremiah
You are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. —1 CORINTHIANS 1:30
- David Jeremiah
People no longer rely on the Bible as either their standard for living or their source of truth. In fact, few people even bother to read it anymore.
- David Jeremiah
Scripture is a guide for conduct as well as the source of doctrine. Seven times in the book of Revelation we read this phrase: "He who has an ear, let him hear" (2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22). What we read in this book should govern our conduct.
- David Jeremiah