Quotes from David Jeremiah
Peace is not the absence of stress but the presence of the Savior.
- David Jeremiah
Lewis said, "Reason is the natural organ of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." He was saying that stories can align reason with imagination and mind with emotion. When truth is put in imaginative form, it can be driven not only into the mind but also into the heart.
- David Jeremiah
Once He was smitten with a reed; Then He will rule the nations with a rod of iron. Once wicked soldiers bowed the knee in mockery; Then every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Once He received a crown of thorns; Then He will receive a crown of gold.
- David Jeremiah
Once He delivered up His Spirit in death; Then He will be alive forevermore. Once He was laid in a tomb; Then He will sit on a throne.
- David Jeremiah
As members of God's kingdom, we're called to conquer the barriers between who we are and who God wants us to be. Our goal is to "come over" from where we are today, and to flourish as the person God made us to be. The obstacles we must overcome fall into three main categories: sin, the world, and the devil.
- David Jeremiah
We should not only refrain from thinking about gratifying our desires but also avoid focusing on not gratifying our desires. The way to deal with temptation is not to grit our teeth and make up our minds that we will not do a certain thing. The key is to fill our minds with other things.
- David Jeremiah
When insult comes our way, we look for a way to respond in love (Matthew 5:38-39).
- David Jeremiah
People who disregard the Bible may someday get what they want—a society where the Bible is no longer read or proclaimed, and where they can freely sin without Scripture confronting their conscience. But they may get more than they bargained for—a society without the moral compass of Scripture will self-destruct from moral decay and decadence.
- David Jeremiah
When we are asked to do something that inconveniences us, we are to take on a servant's attitude. Servanthood takes great strength, much greater strength than demanding our own way. And it is that strength which will cause people to notice something different in our lives (Mathew 5:41).
- David Jeremiah
Unbelievers resist truth because it brings to the surface their God-instilled knowledge of right and wrong, which they've buried in order to pursue their ungodly behavior without the annoyance of conscience (Romans 1:18-21).
- David Jeremiah
Integrity is keeping a commitment even after circumstances have changed.
- David Jeremiah
We must admit that God owes us nothing. Before we charge God with not caring, we must thank Him for those times when His care is very evident. We are ever surrounded by undeserved blessings. Even in His silence, He blesses us.
- David Jeremiah