Quotes from David Jeremiah
The Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith" (1 Timothy 4:1). "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires... they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
- David Jeremiah
When the church is raptured, the restraining work of the Holy Spirit, who is now holding back the man of sin and keeping the world from utter lawlessness, will be removed, and the earth will be subject to the full effects of sin. After the falling away and the Rapture, it will be time for the Antichrist to be revealed.
- David Jeremiah
Since there is no one like God, therefore all people should fear Him—in other words, dread His power and be devoted to His person.
- David Jeremiah
Quite often the Lord uses the adversity in our lives as a lens through which He can be seen! In the process of it all, He is developing our character so that we can be worthy reflectors of His glory. Paul teaches us that character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trials and suffering can the soul be strengthened.
- David Jeremiah
Revelation 13:2 declares that his mouth is 'as the mouth of a lion' which is a symbolic expression telling of the majesty and awe-producing effects of his voice." Just as the voice of a lion surpasses that of all other beasts, so the Antichrist will outrival orators both ancient and modern.
- David Jeremiah
There is a God to love and there is a God to fear, and He is one and the same! Did He not judge His own Son as a demonstration of His love for the world? And did He not then show His love for the Son He judged by raising Him from the dead? How silly to think that if He is a loving God, He cannot also be a fearsome God. The two attributes complement each other.
- David Jeremiah
Love without distinction. Love without calculation. Love without procrastination. Just love.
- David Jeremiah
1. Adversity promotes the progress of the gospel. 2. Adversity provides opportunities to witness. 3. Adversity produces courage in our fellow believers. 4. Adversity proves the character of our friendships. 5. Adversity provokes growth in our lives. 6. Adversity purifies our motives. 7. Adversity prepares us to see life and death in perspective.
- David Jeremiah
Whatever happens, remember that death is not the end; rather, it is just a temporary separation of the soul from the body.
- David Jeremiah
So we identify the fear, then we confess it. As we bring our fear before God and own up to it, we do one other thing. We repent. That means to disavow the sin completely, to turn and walk the other way. Then we can look toward the steps that lead us to victory over our fears.
- David Jeremiah
The Antichrist will acknowledge no religion at all other than the worship of himself and Satan. In his attempt to wipe the thought of God from the world's collective mind, he will try to change the moral and natural laws of the universe (Daniel 7:25).
- David Jeremiah
As civilization speeds toward its final destiny, the appearance of a powerful world ruler is inevitable.
- David Jeremiah